Friday, July 29, 2016

Flower Power - My Scrappy Summer continues

Two string quilts complete and yet my scrap bins were still quite full.  I could do another string quilt like the first two, but I was ready to move on to something different.  So I visited the website of Bonnie Hunter who is somewhat famous in quilting circles for her beautiful scrap quilts.  She has a huge collection of free patterns available for download and while looking through them, the pattern she calls String X really caught my eye.  It could probably still be called a string quilt, but it was a new take that I hadn't seen before and looked like it would lend itself perfectly to using up all of the 5" squares I had laying around.

Bonnie's pattern/tutorial uses a foundation for constructing the center bands of fabric strips but I'm not a fan of having to tear out paper later so I'll avoid it when I can.  And in this case, I could.  I cut my 5 inch squares into random width strips and then just started sewing them together into long bands.  After I had what felt like enough, I trimmed them down to 4 1/2" x 10 1/2" rectangles.  From there I added the two background triangles on either side of the rectangle as described in Bonnie's tutorial.

I did end up needing to supplement the 5" squares with other fabrics out of my scrap bins in order to make enough blocks for a decent sized lap quilt so I was finally starting to feel like I was making a dent in the scrap pile.

Since the majority of the 5" squares I started with were floral fabrics, I named this quilt

Flower Power


  1. I just love this sunny, flowery quilt - how did you start it? Are they just 5" pieces strung along strips? Beautiful job!

    1. Thank you. This quilt is based on a pattern from Bonnie Hunter's website. Here is the link.

  2. This is a beautiful string quilt. I think what makes it so stunning is the quilting design. Enjoy your quilt.
